Well the Bible obviously. But I have also study quite hard on the Jack Handey Deep Thoughts Trilogy (Deep Thoughts, Deeper Thoughts, and Deepest Thoughts). In all honesty I have a terrible memory so maybe I could throw a quote from some of my favorite books/authors around every now and again...but Mr. Jack Handey, well....I got these down.
"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" by Joyce Carol Oates
Technically this is a short story, but I'm actually terrible at remembering quotes too. Other than the Bible and the famous Shakespeare lines I absolutely will not remember either lines or character names from the books I read. There are a few short stories that I do know quite well, though. My mother was a high school English teacher and coached UIL Prose, so I know the stories that her readers performed. I picked my favorite--naturally the most disturbing story one could regularly expose a 10 year old to. My JCO love started early and with this story. Give that woman her Nobel Prize already.