After scrolling through the endless number of designations and awareness weeks and such looking for blog ideas for May--I mean, do we really need a National Chocolate Custard Month?--I discovered that May is "Get Caught Reading" Month. I like it. Forget planking and Tebowing and other stupid photography trends. Take a picture of you (or someone else) reading in an interesting place (or not). Post it to our Facebook page. The person whose picture receives the most "likes" will receive five free books and we'll profile you on our blog. You know you've wanted to answer our horrible questions. Tell your friends, whip out those books, and be creative. You should know by now how Gianna's mind works. Good luck!
(The no-so-fine print: Don't hurt anyone. Don't do anything illegal. Don't blame us if you get arrested. We reserve the right to break ties in a thoroughly biased and judgmental manner (we'll pick the picture we like). Enter as often as you like. There must be a book in the picture. We reserve the right to delete offensive material. Original pictures only; don't violate copyrights.)