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The Help

We're between publishing seasons right now, wrapping up the summer sell-in and having just completed a teleconference to review books coming out in the fall. In a couple of weeks Gianna and I will hit the roads once more to sell the fall books, and what an amazing list it is--E.L. Doctorow, John Irving, Kathy Griffin (LOVE HER!!), and a terrific novel from Dan Chaon on Gianna's side, and great books from Jonathan Lethem, Margaret Atwood, Richard Russo, John Grisham, and, ahem, DAN BROWN on my side of the company. But that's a couple of weeks away. Right now we're sorting through mountains of material so that we can pretend to know what we're talking about when we walk into bookstores. These are office days. Our offices are located in our homes, and that means that we "enjoy" the company of our office mates. Mine is Zorro, the 25 lb. feline taskmaster who keeps me screwing everything up.
Teleconferences tend to last for several days, and we're on the phone all day. It's exhausting and I'm a bit phone-phobic (which is a handicap considering my job), but the saving grace comes in the form of a headset. I cannot imagine sitting for four days on the phone without one. I may look like an idiot from Star Trek with the thing hooked over my left ear, but I'd beat myself unconscious with the phone if I didn't have it to free my hands and shoulder and neck from the strain of 6 hours per day with a receiver held to my head. The only problem with my headset, though, is that the office mate, Zorro, seems to possess a bizarre headset fetish. I keep it out of sight when I'm just normally working at my desk, but I have made the mistake, on occasion, of leaving it out overnight between two sales conference days. Zorro likes to play with my headset. He likes to hide it (which is fairly remarkable, considering how lazy he normally is, and such devious actions require, well, action). One morning I dialed in to the call, reached for my headset, then discovered it missing. I found it, with just a minute to spare before a full day of title reviews with publishers, in my kitchen sink. First, it's amazing that the cat can even jump up to the kitchen counter. Second, why would he drag a headset to the kitchen, and in particular the sink? It's weird. I also found it buried in his litter box once...and replaced it with a new one that day.

Most of the time Zorro sleeps in his chair in my office, where he is now. (He snores.) He likes to play in the boxes that arrive, and chew on the bubblewrap and plastic packing material, and he LOVES the UPS delivery guy, running to the door to greet him. Trying to keep books and files organized is nearly impossible because of his "help," which usually involves sitting on things I need, or jumping in a box and clawing me when I attempt to remove the contents from under his girth, or shoving advance readers off my shelves so that he has the room to nap. What's worse, I confess I'm a bit scared of my cat. Most of the time he's sweet, and I will say that his ample posterior makes a great bookrest when he's sitting on my lap, but the cat has a bit of a violent, psychotic streak. He clawed my eyeball once in the middle of the night, which is a freaky way to wake up. He also has a nervous tic, where if you scratch his back right above his tail, he neurotically MUST lick his front paws. It's crazy. My sister will send me emails at random points throughout the day that say simply "Make Fat Zorro lick his paws!" (She calls him "Fat Zorro" but his name is just Zorro. What I call her dog's politically incorrect and I won't repeat it here.)

Zorro also loves when I'm on the phone in the morning, when he's most likely to be conscious. Every Friday our division of reps has a conference call to go over business. It's how we function (as best we can) as a group when we live all over the country. Anyway, Zorro will hear my voice and waddle over, then jump into my lap...which is a bit like dropping a bag of rocks on your lap, held to your legs with 20 claws. I feel like I must gasp in pain quite a bit on the phone. He will sit on my lap purring, loudly, and rubbing his cheeks against the phone. Sometimes I'm saved when the UPS guy shows up, but most calls involve a point where I try to convince my companion that proper office conduct does not include sharpening his claws in my thigh.
Am I alone in my devotion and indulgence of an unhealthy office environment? Definitely not. My boss has a Jack Russell terrier, Bonnie, who yaps like the building's on fire during at least one call per week. Gianna has a herd of dogs, one of whom ate the leather cover off of her Sony Reader recently. I rarely had to worry about an officemate plopping down in my lap before I joined Random House (though it actually did happen a few times before, weirdly enough), and I certainly never had to worry about the IT department yelling at me for the amount of grey and white fur in my keyboard. And while my previous colleagues threatened violence, they never actually cut me. It's a tough life we lead, and I'm getting to the point where I'm ready to hit the road again. A four day road trip might be time enough apart to put the cat in his place.

Para perfil do Orkut

Mais alguns exemplos do que escrever no quem sou eu do Orkut

'Jesus vive comigo, comigo Jesus está, tenho Jesus comigo, contra mim ninguém será.'

Declarou-lhe Jesus: 'Eu sou a ressurreição e a vida; quem crê em mim, ainda que morra, viverá; E todo aquele que vive e crê em mim, jamais morrerá.' (Jo 11,25-26)

Meu Pai,

Eu Te Amo!!

....................MÃE E ESPOSA.....................

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"Todos os dias a vida nos coloca desafios,

barreiras e limites a serem ultrapassados.

Alguns com um certo grau de dificuldade

e outros um pouco mais simples dependendo

do nosso ângulo de visão.Mas com certeza

o maior desafio é a superação máxima do

nosso interior.É aquela voz interna que 

que muitas muitas joga a favor ou contra.

Na verdade é ela quem cria os problemas ,

gera insegurança,inplanta o medo e nos 

deixa em situações complicadas.Vencer a si

mesmo é a maior barreira a ser transposta

..........neste mundo tão diferente..............

¸.◦`¸.◦`ﻶﻍﻶﭿ ﭿﻶﻍﻶ¸.◦`¸.◦`ﻶﻍﻶﭿ ﭿﻶﻍﻶ ¸.◦`¸.◦`


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"Como eu te amo TRICOLOR !

Como eu te amo demais !

O dia que tu não existir... Não quero sorrir nunca mais !

O TRICOLOR tu és minha paixão.

O TRICOLOR tu és minha alegria.

O TRICOLOR tu és o meu viver.





Angelina Jolie é a mulher mais bonita do Mundo!!

A atriz norte-americana Angelina Jolie, de 34 anos, foi eleita a mulher mais bonita do Mundo pela "Vanity Fair". A mulher do ator Brad Pitt, de 45 anos, ficou à frente de outras beldades como Gisele Bündchen, Halle Berry, Penélope Cruz e a Rainha Rania da Jordânia.
Recorde-se que a também embaixadora da Boa Vontade do Alto Comissariado das Nações Unidas viajou recentemente com o marido rumo às Filipinas para iniciar um novo processo de adoção. O casal tem atualmente seis filhos, três dos quais adotados.

Mas.....(pasmem) ela está grávida de novo!!!

A atriz Angelina Jolie está na capa da revista "Star", que chega às bancas dos Estados Unidos nesta quarta-feira, com a manchete: "Angelina pregnant again" (Angelina grávida de novo)

Revista Star anuncia gravidez de Angelina Jolie

Revista Star anuncia gravidez de Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie está na capa da revista norte-americana "Star" desta semana com a seguinte manchete: "Angelina pregnant again!". A edição, que chega às bancas nesta quarta-feira, publica declaração de uma pessoa apontada como da família confirmando a gravidez.
"Sim, Angie está grávida. Eles estavam tentando um novo bebê há meses, mas ainda assim foi um choque quando ela descobriu. Brad e Angie tem brigado tanto ultimamente que parecia impossível", disse a pessoa ligada ao casal.
"Ela está empolgada. Disse que sabia que estava grávida antes mesmo do teste confirmar", afirmou a fonte. Angelina, porém, só contou ao marido alguns dias atrás, quando ele retornou de uma viagem a New Orleans.
A atriz e Brad Pitt não estão muito bem desde que ela flagrou o marido abraçado com a babá em seu quarto... (esse brad...)
Caso a informação seja confirmada, esse será o sétimo filho do casal, que já tem três crianças adotivas e três biológicas.

A fortaleza do espírito

A fortaleza do espírito
Às vezes, parece que a vida não é mais do que um teste para nossa paciência e resistência.
Há dias em que a alegria já acorda em nossa companhia; e há dias em que levantamos sem ânimo, sem mesmo saber para quê, pois até a esperança de felicidade parece extinguir-se.
O cansaço e a desesperança atacam a todos, sem excepção; e há os que sucumbem e se rendem à vida, abandonando a luta e aceitando a derrota.
Que tu não sejas um destes e acordes, hoje, como um bravo; alguém a quem a vida, muitas vezes, não oferece nada, nem mesmo a esperança - mas que, mesmo assim, cerra os dentes, levanta, reage e luta!
Que acordes como um valente, de quem o destino pode tirar os sentidos e a respiração, 
mas não pode tirar a coragem.
Pois, se a vida nos testa, mostremos a ela que nosso corpo pode ser frágil, mas que nossa alma é de aço.
E que a espinha de um bravo verga, mas não quebra!

I Left My Heart in San Francisco (Gianna's First Post!)

…and my underwear in Amarillo. Many times. Not just Amarillo, but I think I have left a belt in Jackson, Mississippi, one good Mussano running shoe in Oklahoma City (could have been Dallas), and someone in the teeny tiny town of Greenwood, Mississippi is wearing my black knit hat that says Chicago on it…I just feel it in my bones. Anyway, I lose things on the road and I would be hard pressed to explain why it seems to be mostly underwear but it is. I don’t need to tell you underwear aint cheap (okay, sometimes I go with the cheap stuff…who are you to judge?), my point is this, where does it go? If I had to guess I would say I have lost oh, five to eight pair of underwear in four to six states.

Is it just me? When Lucinda Williams tours or Hillary Clinton sets off on a five day trip to the Middle East…do they come back with what they packed? I mean, I assume Lucinda comes back with a lot less weed, but clothing wise, does she come back with two boots? Does Hillary come back with all her under garments? Suck it up, losing things on the road is just one of the hazards, yes I get it, okay…there are worse things….like forgetting things.

Sometimes you forget to pack things. Like maybe the day you are packing in Texas its 75 degrees out and in your mind you think, why wouldn’t it be this warm everywhere? Then you drive for 10 hours and get out of the car and its 37 degrees and you have no coat. None. No coat. You are in Mississippi and its late and choices are….limited….very limited. You try to look professional but you also want to avoid hypothermia so you make a choice. You buy it. You buy the $9.99 (on sale for a reason) wintery vest thing that in any other style, or color really would be less offensive….hip even. Like I said this thing was on sale for a reason. It is a mylar, silver looking shiny…terribly terribly shiny vest thing with just a hint of lining; just enough to make you think you are warmer with it on. If I were to put it on stand perfectly still and put a tin cup at my feet I could pass for one of those silver robot people that “perform” in cities…you know like the tin man.

I want to clear up one thing that Liz posted in her previous blog regarding me and clothing. She stated that I wore two different shoes to a trade show once. I wanted to point out that it was by accident. I wish I could say it wasn’t true, I wish I could say I noticed it as I was leaving the house, I wish I could say I noticed it on the way to the airport. Truth is I noticed it about ten minutes before boarding the flight. Also they weren’t that different. Other than color, style and brand name they were the same.