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E o amor se fez verbo em mim

377294_163662990399586_100002676593827_256490_981512660_nDesde que o amor se fez verbo em mim
Só sei conjugar a saudade...
Enquanto ele era substantivo abstrato
Não doía assim.

(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

Personalidade de Virgem em Poesia


Ah! Esse confidente sincero
Um virginiano é um adorado anjo
Que olha sempre com a razão
Mas jamais se encontra nas nuvens
Eis seu maior defeito...
Não tira os pés do chão.
O convide para arrumar suas coisas
Ele é de uma organização incrível
Mas não tire as coisas dele do lugar
Ele tem medo de amar...
Ah! Virginianos morrem de medo de desconhecido
Mas o conquiste com muita amizade e sabedoria
E um amigo fiel pra sempre terá.

(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

Personalidade de Touro em poesia



Ah! Esses taurinos elegantes
Ao surgirem em nossa vida
Um amor de fé nos garante
Acreditam em si mesmo
Força e talentos únicos
São seres especiais
Buscam seus sonhos
Mais ousados
Para eles limites existem
Para serem superados...
Mas temem o desconhecido
Amam o seu cantinho
E se nele você vier
O receberá com muito carinho.

(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

Câncer em poesia

A personalidade do signo de Câncer

Cancerianos possuem
Sensibilidade à flor da pele
Aos que amam
Com todo carinho
Às vezes tímidos
Escondem o riso,
Sentem na alma
A intuição do perigo
São leais e grandes amigos...
Mas não o magoe
Ele se fecha
Quando ferido.
Não esqueça!
Ele é dengoso
Mas é fiel e querido.

(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

A personalidade de Gêmeos em poesia



Tem almas ciganas
De sorriso fácil...
Mas são contraditórios
Num dia amam a vida
Noutro não sabem ao certo
Mas quando amam uma pessoa
Se entregam de jeito único
Querem o bem de todos
Que estão por perto...
Adoram falar, adoram sorrir
Se pudessem conheceriam
Todos os dias um novo lugar
Mas uma coisa é certa
Esses geminianos sabem conquistar.
(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

Personalidade de Áries em poesia



Ah! Quem conhece um ariano
Jamais o esquece...
Sorri com a mesma facilidade
Com que grita
É de uma inocência
Sem igual
Vive de alto astral
Sua ingenuidade encanta
E sua energia contagia
Adora fazer birra
Porque quando quer,
quer porque quer...
E às vezes quando conquista
Nem queria tanto assim...
Esses arianos adoram riscos
Lutam pelo que desejam
Mas não esperam ganhar um beijo
Saiba que ter um amigo ariano
É ter a certeza que se fores ao fim do mundo
Ele estará sempre com você.

(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

Personalidade do signo Sagitário



Sagitariano é assim
Um desastrado apaixonado
De coração doce
Mas grito forte
De alma sincera
Mas é uma fera
se lhe provocam
Ama de verdade
Até um novo amor surgir
Se entrega sem regras
Para o amigo fazer sorrir
No seu coração a mágoa
Não faz casa... Briga fácil
Perdoa mais fácil ainda
Às vezes, ele é insano
Outras vezes, todo zen
Tenha um sagitariano por perto
E verás a alegria que a vida tem.

(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

Personalidade de Escorpião



Adorado escorpiano
Esse ser que se apaixona
E todos os teus sonhos
No amor aprisiona
Alguém que ama intensamente
Mas sofre por ser enciumado
Alguém cuja sinceridade salta aos olhos
Cuja fé jamais lhe falta
guarda segredos e mistérios
um apaixonado esotérico
tenha um escorpiano
ao teu lado... e saberás o que
é o amor sincero.
Ah! Mas Esse Escorpiano
precisa perder um pouco do juízo.

(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

Personalidade do signo de Libra


Ah! Librianos são pura harmonia
Justos por excelência
Com muito cuidado
Encantadores por natureza
Elegantes e delicados
Jamais se ouve o grito
De um libriano
E quando falam
São pacifistas
Ah! Esses librianos
São românticos sonhadores
Que correm atrás do seu amor
E quando conquistam
Dá a ele o merecido valor.
Tenha um libriano por perto
e verá o que é um ser humano
de grande afeto.

(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

Personalidade do signo de Leão


leao-signo leao-lion
Esses Leoninos
Têm garra de vida
Brincam com tudo
Num otimismo
De dar inveja
Neles, há sempre
Uma palavra sincera
Um encanto nato
Em sua beleza
Ah! são valentes
Diante dos problemas
E supremos...
Não esqueça!
Nem sempre
Abaixam a cabeça,
Mas é sempre fiel
Com toda certeza.

(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

Personalidade do signo de Aquário


Aquariano é assim
Um sonhador incurável
Vive além do seu tempo
Ama a liberdade
E o que lhe aprisiona
Não leva mais que um momento...
Tem medo de se apaixonar
Mas se conquistado
Amante igual não há
Adora pensar no futuro
Nas novas tecnologias
Que serão inventadas
Acredita que é no futuro
Que as soluções pra tudo
Serão encontradas...
Não gosta de rotina
E se deseja
ter um aquariano a seu lado
Faça dos seus dias inesquecíveis
E sempre renovados.

(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

Personalidade de Capricórnio

Personalidade de Capricórnio,signos,capricornio

Esses calmos capricornianos
Adoram a solidão
Onde se recolhem
E guardam sua emoção...
Podem parecer frios
Não demonstram o que sentem
Mas amam intensamente...
Jamais esquece um grande amigo
E estes levam pra vida toda
Ah! Capricornianos
Adoram estar por cima
Mas jamais passam sobre ninguém
Porque sua melhor qualidade
Está na lealdade que têm.


(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

Personalidade do Signo de Peixes

Personalidade do Signo de Peixes
Ah! Piscianos
São seres especiais
Se alegram com nossa alegria
Choram com nossa tristeza
Se entregam aos amigos
De maneira impressionante
Gentis e apaixonantes
Sonham o mundo
Num instante
Mas é um indeciso
Romântico incurável
Estar do seu lado
É algo incomparável.

(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

Best of 2011 Countdown: #25

Gianna, who is going to make fun of me for my relationship with my cat:

Awkward Family Pet Photos
Mike Bender and Doug Chernack
Three Rivers Press
Touch my monkey...

Each holiday season I like to have three or four copies of a really good but inexpensive humor book that I can give away as gifts to, you know, people that I forgot to get a gift for, or a grab bag, or for a crying child. Well there is nothing I don’t love about this book or the first edition, Awkward Family Photos. These pictures will make you cringe, scream, and very possibly barf in your mouth just a little bit (examples below).
Zorro's long lost brother.
I didn't know Gianna's
dad had a snake!

I suspect some of you will recognize a piece of yourself in these photos (you know who you are), and the next time you snap another photo of you and your dog, snake, bird, hedgehog, cat, bunny, or god help us all…your monkey, you will certainly think twice about the appropriateness of your pose (or if your cat is really a willing participant in the photo (looking at you Sullivan)).  [Zorro loves to have his picture taken.]
Zorro. (Not in the book.)


Vaclav & Lena
Haley Tanner
The Dial Press

I love first novels; the good ones feel like a special discovery.  Vaclav & Lena caught me in just that way.  Vaclav and Lena and both Russian immigrant children, learning English and struggling through school.  After school, though, they are best friends, and Vaclav wants to be a great magician and Lena will be his lovely assistant.  Author Haley Tanner absolutely nails the voices of these characters--read the first few pages and you'll be hooked.  Anyway, Vaclav's mother, a terrific character, parents both children until a fateful day when Lena is sent away.  Spring forward to high school aged Vaclav and Lena, teenagers who've acclimated to American culture.  That special bond between them still exists, though.  

Haley Tanner
Book groups and fans of the superb The Night Circus.  Also, in Book Land booksellers are always keeping an eye out for books that will crossover between adult and young adult audiences.  Vaclav & Lena  lands squarely in that sweet spot.  Haley Tanner is a writer to watch.

Best of 2011 Countdown: #26

You know what's fun about associating with Gianna?  The various ways such a connection pops up in my life.  Random House recently launched a cool book recommendation site called Everyday eBook, and our RH pals asked if they could use some of our blog's reviews on their site.  Who are we to say no?  However, it was a real delight for me to discover that the site also pulled Gianna's biographical statement off of our blog, and it reads:
i am the sales manager for the university of texas press. previously i worked as a sales manager with random house for about 8 years or so until liz sullivan made my life so miserable i had to change jobs. we are now married, have 9 children and vote republican. we are not happy.
It's my fervent hope that everyone I know now knows of my miserable love with Gianna, so you should follow Everyday eBook (even if you don't read eBooks; they have great picks that are available as print books too).  Anyway, moving on to our picks....

Best of 2011 Countdown: #26


Close Your Eyes
Amanda Eyre Ward
Random House

This dark novel was inspired by an actual double murder that happened in the author’s neighborhood when she was a teenager. Ward grew up in a small, quiet town (Rye, NY where I have attended a couple of Random House sales conferences…I could have been killed!), and the fact that such a brutal (and for many years, unsolved) crime could happen would be enough to shake you. As it would turn out, the crime was committed by a drunk teenager that Ward and her group of friends actually knew. The specifics of that crime are bizarre enough that you will want to read about it, trust me, so here is a link to Amanda Eyre Ward’s website where she explains the murder (and there is a picture of Amanda at the tender age of 17…worth the trip to the website).

Amanda Eyre Ward
(the adult version)
Close Your Eyes doesn’t use that plot exactly; it takes that idea and makes it more intimate. Young Lauren and Alex are sleeping in their tree house when their mother is brutally murdered. Their father is convicted of the crime and their lives are forever changed. The books moves ahead twenty years and while the sister and brother remain close (who else would understand this kind of life?), Lauren is convinced that her father is guilty while her brother is sure he is not.  While it would of course be easier for Lauren to try in some way to move forward with her life--her attempts at normalcy--she begins to dig into the past, and things get…interesting.

Amanda has hit a home run with this novel. It's dark, it's creepy, the characters are rich, and the story is perfect. A good comparison is Gillian Flynn’s Dark Places or Sharp Objects…and if you didn’t like those two books, well, what the heck is wrong with you?


Your Voice in My Head
Emma Forrest
Other Press

I admit that I am fascinated by memoirs that are heavily psychological.  Just like I'm drawn to damaged characters in fiction, I am most intrigued by memoirs that are more internal, and at the risk of being flippant, the crazier the better.  It's the same reason that I love the HBO series In Treatment, too.  What can I say?  I've got my issues.  So there was no question that I'd be reading Your Voice in My Head when I heard the editor discusses it at our sales conference.  It didn't disappoint.

Emma Forrest
Emma Forrest has composed an intimate--sometimes uncomfortably so--memoir about the two major relationships in her life at a time when she was most vulnerable.  She was 22, living a furious existence in New York that spiraled out of control and toward depression and suicide.  Salvation came in the form of a psychiatrist, a man who became her touchstone as she began to dig herself out of the psychological hole into which she'd slipped.  In the meantime, Forrest meets and falls in love with another man, her "Gypsy Husband," an A-List Hollywood actor (Google Emma Forrest and you'll find out who it is).  Their romance is intense and idyllic...and then troubled.  One day Forrest attempts to make an appointment with her psychiatrist, only to discover that he's died.  The Jiminy Cricket on her shoulder, this man who'd seen into her darkest thoughts without flinching, the voice in her head, was gone, and she realized she'd never known anything about him.

Your Voice in My Head belongs in the same category as Girl, Interrupted and The Glass Castle, though I think that Emma Forrest is a more talented writer.  It's unsettling, loving, moving, and brilliantly written.  I love this book.

Best of 2011 Countdown: #27


The Autobiography of Mrs. Tom Thumb
Melanie Benjamin
Delacorte Press

How famous would you have to be in order for your 1863 wedding to knock the Civil War off the front pages of newspapers all over the country? Well, you would have to be 32 inch tall Lavinia Warren about to marry General Tom Thumb (Charles Stratton) in front of 2,000 guests.
Think Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt without the Jennifer Aniston controversy. Think Kim Kardashian, but a marriage that lasted two decades longer.  Think Lindsay Lohan and that girl DJ (but without the ankle monitors, drugs, and alcohol). Think Liz and Gianna…adorable right? [Not really.]

Anyway, Lavinia was the most photographed woman of her lifetime. Let me say that again, she was the most photographed woman of her generation. Every other famous person on the planet, including kings, queens, and Presidents, knew her. Lincoln gave a reception at the White House for the newlyweds (think Bono minus sunglasses).  But why, if Mrs. Tom Thumb was so famous, don’t we know her today? Well, take note reality TV star wannabes: maybe because she became famous because of her stature, not because of a talent or works, her legacy didn't endure. And that is the tragic part of this novel, that such a wonderful woman--a brave, strong, optimistic, smart (so smart) woman--could be lost in history. She chose the life she had, she sought out the limelight, but for her it was a way foreword; she couldn’t have known that it would lead to what had to be a good amount of loneliness (especially after the death of her younger sister). She had visitors daily, but they paid to see her.  They certainly had no personal investment in her, they didn’t care about her. It's an interesting footnote that tombstone next to General Tom Thumb merely reads “his wife.”
Well Lavinia has the last laugh now because she’s on Facebook!

Benjamin has managed to write one of the most interesting historical novels I think I have ever read. It's an absolute page turner. At its core this book is a fascinating travelogue of America, a who’s who and lesson on every page.  If you read and enjoyed Ragtime by Doctorow, I think you will like this as well.  


The Gap Year
Sarah Bird

What would a best of list be without an author from our neck of the woods?  Every Sarah Bird novel is different, but the common bonds among them are 1. her outrageous sense of humor, and 2. a Texas-sized heart.  (You'd think that some of this compassion for people would rub off on my pal Gianna, but no.  We technically don't even work together and still she tortures me with emails that say things like "Fuck the comma!" Do you know how hard I work to proofread her posts before flinging them onto the web?  You need that comma, I need that comma, but why must I suffer for her?  Why?! Moving on.)  Sarah Bird is at her absolute best when her stories draw from her own life, and such is the case with her newest book, The Gap Year.  Sarah channeled her anxieties about her child going to college into her latest novel.

Sarah Bird
The Gap Year follows a single mother and her daughter through the course of the girl's senior year in high school.  Cam, her mom, is doing the motherly thing and looking at colleges for Aubrey.  Both Cam and Aubrey are anxious about this major step looming, but for different reasons.  Cam is facing that empty nest thing, while Aubrey doesn't know what she wants to do with her life.  She does know, though, that she wants to spend as much time as possible with Tyler, the golden-boy quarterback with mysterious roots.  The Gap Year is a traditional coming of age novel, but with distinctly Sarah Bird touches.  Remember how I mentioned Sarah's sense of humor?  Cam, she's a lactation consultant, and the scenes involving Cam's profession and her lactation classes are full of humor and warmth.  As someone who's vehemently anti-baby, I was squirming a bit, but also laughing.  

Your book group should be reading The Gap Year.  Fans of The Gilmore Girls?  You'll like The Gap Year.  And when you're finished with The Gap Year, go back and read The Yokota Officers Club, another book that draws from Sarah's life.

Best of 2011 Countdown: #28


Don't Make Me Go to Town: Ranchwomen of the Texas Hill Country
Rhonda Lashley Lopez
UT Press

"My husband says every now and then, 'well, I can hardly get her to town.' I just dread the days I have to go. My life is so full. I have the livestock to tend to plus all the other things. I can stay out here three or four weeks and be happy."
—Joan Wagner Bushong

"I don't have any brothers, so I've done the boy stuff. My sister plays the piano. She stayed in the house with Mom and I'd stay in the pasture with my dad. . . . When I was ten or eleven years old, I would drive the pickup while Daddy pulled the sucker rods out of the wells and releathered them. I learned to drive the pickup just so I could pull the windmill."
—Lorelei Hankins

When I first moved to Texas, I guess I romanticized what it meant to run a working ranch. I guess I thought it would be amazing to spend most every day outside, to work with animals, live in solitude, and have casual Friday every day. Turns out the only thing I am really built for is casual Friday every day. [By "casual Friday" we all know that Gianna's talking about not getting dressed at all, right?]

Don’t Make Me Go to Town profiles and photographs eight woman ranchers in the Texas Hill Country (basically between San Antonio and Austin).
Their ages range from forty years old to over eighty years old. Yeah, if there is anything to wake you up from the ranch dream, it is the stone cold fact that you will be working that ranch in freezing temperatures, in a heat wave, and in the pouring rain when you are eighty years old.

These oral histories (and really that is what this book is, eight oral histories, as the author has transcribed the interviews pretty much word for word) are priceless, as this way of life is disappearing, and with the brutal drought this winter it is easy to understand how difficult it is to keep the land viable when you are at the mercy of the weather.


Hemingway's Boat
Paul Hendrickson

I admit that I'm one of those people who really doesn't enjoy Hemingway's novels.  He's always been too...shall we say "testosterone frenzied?"...for my tastes.  Too much barbaric yawping and manly men and pulling the marlin in with his bare, bleeding hands.  What do I know of Hemingway the man?  I know he was married a bunch of times, and that he served in World War I, that he hung out in the best years to be in Paris, that he settled in the Florida Keys and then killed himself.  He liked six-toed cats or something.  Most of this information is from the literature major's form of gossip in college.  Recently I read The Paris Wife, a novel about the young Hemingway and his first wife, but it...wasn't my kind of thing.  Some of my vast Hemingway lore comes from that book, but I'm not trusting the source.

Then there's Paul Hendrickson's Hemingway's Boat.  Hendrickson has won the National Book Critics Circle Award and is an elegant, engaging writer. He focuses on the last thirty years of Papa's life, but the peak of his writing successes to his eventual suicide, using Hemingway's fishing boat, Pilar, as the focal point.  It's a fascinating way to conceive a biography.  The boat was the constant in Hemingway's tumultuous life, the place where he thought, raged, played, challenged his manliness against giant fish, entertained, drank, seduced women, spent time with his children.  It was where, in his later years, he struggled against his waning life and abilities (Can you imagine Papa on Viagra?  Shudder).  Hemingway seems to be a popular book topic right now, and Hendrickson's book should be at the top of any pile for people interested in this American author.

Best of 2011 Countdown: #29


The Language of Flowers
Vanessa Diffenbaugh
Ballantine Books

This debut novel weaves past and present to tell the story of a young girl named Victoria who has spent her entire life in the foster care system In and out of thirty-two different homes (the author is a foster
parent) she is to say the least....damaged.  Cut off from the world and homeless at the age of eighteen, Vicoria's only solace are flowers. Her connection with flowers is her gift and the only way of communication she can muster. Soon discovered by a well-known florist, she begins to touch people's lives with her talent. Probably the most commercial book on my list, this is a perfect choice for book groups. Themes include motherhood, the foster care system, homelessness, redemption, and of course a history of the meaning of flowers.  A very cool touch is the flower dictionary included as an appendix in the book.

In many ways this is a perfect book for Liz to read.  It takes us back to Victorian times when we would rely on flowers to say just how we felt; we never had to speak the words. For example, Liz would give me red roses. Lots and lots of red roses. And I of course would give  her a single hibiscus. [I actually prefer the common thistle.]

Link to dictionary:

The Snowman
Jo Nesbo

What I love about this book: 
1. It's a great police procedural thriller.
2. The crimes are creepy and unnerving.
3. I like snow.
4. The detective's name is Harry Hole.

Imagine the joy I take in presenting this book to a room full of readers.  I get to say "Harry Hole" over and over and over, and then giggle like an idiot.  The Snowman is a great read, and a strong follow-up read for all of you who read the Stieg Larsson trilogy.  The story begins when a mother and son find a snowman in their yard, but facing the house and seeming to stare in.  That night, the son wakes to find his mother gone, but the snowman has some of her possessions.  Then women begin to show up...decapitated.  Creepy, right?  Harry Hole (heh) is a fun character with whom to tag along as he works to track down the killer.  It doesn't hurt, either, that Jo Nesbo is a bit of a hunk.  I wonder if he's single?

Best of 2011 Countdown: #30

Thanksgiving has passed, so it's time to get down to the business of the Best Books of 2011.  This year we've decided to countdown to our #1 picks over the course of a month.  Our fan seemed to like our 30 Day Book Challenge, and it's a pleasure listening to Gianna whine about posting everyday even though it was her idea.  These are our favorite 2011 books from the publishers we sell.  Don't argue with us if you don't see, say, Haruki Marakami's 1Q84 on the list.  I haven't read it.  No doubt it will appear on bunches of best lists, but those people have staffs and we're just two lowly book reps trying to get by.  (We take bribes, so if you're an author and stumble upon our blog while doing a Google search for "Bobby Hill eats a steak"--that's a real search--send us your leftover pie.  Liz doesn't eat pumpkins or other gourdy nastiness.)

Best of 2011 #30


West of 98
Edited by Lynn Stegner and Russell Rowland
University of Texas Press

Sixty-six writers share what it means to be a Westerner through essays, poems, and stories. From Texas to North Dakota these pieces cover race, politics, landscape, and what home really means. Rick Bass, Louise Erdrich, Jim Harrison, Maxine Hong Kingston, David Guterson, and Walter Kirn are among some of the writers included. Here is an excerpt from the really wonderful essay by Larry McMurtry reminiscing on his cowboy days and what it means now:

“My experience with Lonesome Dove and its various sequels and prequels convinced me that the core of the Western myth – that the cowboys are brave and cowboys are free – is essentially unassailable. I thought of Lonesome Dove as demythicizing, but instead it became a kind of American Arthuriad, overflowing the bounds of genre in many curious ways.”

Many of these are contradicting; each writer seeming to have his or her own view of western life and connectedness with landscape and history.   Unsentimental and often brutally honest, this was a great collection to start off my career  at University of Texas Press.


Jerusalem: The Biography
By Simon Sebag Montifiore

With my love of Russia, I had previously read Simon Sebag Montifiore's biographies Stalin: Court of the Red Czar and Young Stalin.  (I like my crushes in red military uniforms.  I love Mounties!)  He is a wonderful writer who has the ability to keep histories featuring numerous figures and events enthralling.  I was somewhat nervous about this new book, though, because I wasn't an internally inclined to the subject in the way I am to the sweet Soviet.  Nonetheless, I found Jerusalem rich and enlightening, a worthy and successful attempt to capture the holy city on paper.  How did this one outpost city become the center of three religions and the key to Middle Eastern peace and perhaps eternal salvation?  Here are the players, from Herod to Disraeli, Caligula to Churchill.  Jerusalem is the epicenter of our world and, depending upon what you believe, Apocalypse HQ.  This is a terrific book.

09 Perfumes de Marina de Bourbon para o natal

Nada como um bom perfume para nos deixar ainda mais bonitas, não é mesmo? Conheça as nove fragâncias de Marina de Bourbon e escolha a sua.

A primeira fragrância de Marina de Bourbon foi lançada em 1995 pela própria princesa, sendo uma fragrância feminina, antes de tudo, sinônimo de classe e elegância. Toda a linha de perfumes tem a sofisticação dos nobres franceses. Com uma árvore genealógica repleta de nobres e reis, o grande destaque é a fragrância que leva seu nome e foi inspirada no perfume do jardim de sua residência.

09 Perfumes de Marina de Bourbon para o natal
          Rouge Royal

Floral oriental, com notas de cassis, morango, limão verde, ylang-ylang, jasmim, muguet selvagem e musgo de árvore. Para mulhers que se lançam à conquista do mundo, atuantes e sedutoras.

 09 Perfumes de Marina de Bourbon para o natal         Princesse Marina de Bourbon Feminino Eau de Parfum


Floral frutal, com notas de baunilha, rosa, melancia, jasmim, âmbar, e pêssego. Para a mulher clássica, elegante e extremamente feminina.

    Asteria Feminino Eau de Parfum

09 Perfumes de Marina de Bourbon para o natal

Frutal amadeirado, com notas de
ameixa, cedro, sândalo, peônia, âmbar e almíscar. É uma fragrância criada para mulheres que alcançam seus sonhos e estão preparadas para encarar qualquer desafio.


Dynastie Feminino Eau de Parfum

09 Perfumes de Marina de Bourbon para o natal

Uma fragrância que se parece com a própria Princesa Marina de Bourbon, e que será compartilhada com sua nobre família e todas as celebridades no mundo. O frasco é uma escultura suave e sensual como uma almofada de seda, enfeitada com pérolas vindas do Oriente, onde descansa a Coroa Bourbon.
Notas de cabeça de mandarina, bergamota e freesia, seguidas de damasco, flor de laranjeira e abacaxi. Finaliza com notas de fundo de patchouli, baunilha e musk branco. Uma fragrância que, assim como as pérolas, inspira romance e realeza.

Reverence Feminino Eau de Parfum

09 Perfumes de Marina de Bourbon para o natalMarina de Bourbon lança uma reverência ao glamour. Inspirada na realeza francesa, Reverence traduz toda a sofisticação e glamour das mulheres requintadas, excitantes e românticas que deixam sua marca por onde passam. Única e desejada, suas notas a base de bergamota, pimenta, frutas vermelhas, chá de jasmim, ameixa, rosa, sândalo e almíscar fazem desta fragrância uma deliciosa viagem ao mundo encantador da nobreza de séculos passados.

Eau de Lys
09 Perfumes de Marina de Bourbon para o natal

O lírio, normalmente associado à realeza, também é símbolo de pureza e inocência. A borboleta, símbolo de graciosidade e delicadeza, representa a mulher e sua metamorfose. Nos jardins da Princesa Marina de Bourbon, eles se encontram e dão início a uma bucólica história de amor.
Eau de Lys é um perfume que nos remete a românticas emoções e sentimentos puros. Seu frasco, moderno e original, tem seu formato inspirado na pétala do lírio e traz estampada a borboleta lilás.
Floral amadeirado, possui notas de cabeça de limão, maçã verde e folhas de bambu. As notas de coração são compostas de jasmim, rosa branca, lírio e jacinto. As notas de fundo são compostas de cedro, madeiras claras, almíscar branco e âmbar.

Rouge Royal Elite

09 Perfumes de Marina de Bourbon para o natalUm hino ao amor, Rouge Royal Elite é um elixir para mulheres elegantes, sofisticadas e refinadas. Uma nova jóia olfativa para presentear a mulher apaixonada.
Uma fragrância floral frutal, sensual e rica. Notas frutadas de cassis, framboesa e morango foram sublimadas, conferindo mais originalidade à fragrância. A nota de sândalo foi aquecida com vetiver e patchouli, para um aroma intenso e temperado. A nota de baunilha ambarada torna-se preciosa e muito sensual.
A nova fragrância em edição limitada, assinada por Marina de Bourbon, vem em um frasco dourado, uma embalagem refinada revelando a intensidade dos sentidos da mulher de Rouge Royal Elite.

Lys Paradise Feminino Eau de Parfum


09 Perfumes de Marina de Bourbon para o natal
Um mundo onde frutas, flores e fragrâncias doces da natureza vivem harmoniosamente com uma fauna exuberante. Estas são as inspirações desta paradisíaca fragrância floral frutal.
Uma embalagem em tons quentes de primavera-verão expressando a vida e a felicidade. Um frasco alaranjado ressaltado pela luz dourada da estação. E a delicadeza e vivacidade do beija-flor marcam esta sensual e envolvente fragrância.

Dica: No Magazine Luíza está em promoção hoje pela metade do preço, de R$149,00 por R$59,00, mas corra!

Lys Feminino Eau de Parfum

09 Perfumes de Marina de Bourbon para o natal

Floral, frutal e amadeirado, com notas de figo fresco, maracujá, damasco, maçã verde, rosa de maio, mimosa de Grasse, jasmim aquático, canela, cipreste italiano, madeira de cedro, sândalo da Índia e almíscar branco.
Sedução... Feminilidade! Um fragrância fresca e agradável. O aroma de LYS captura a leveza da aura feminina com uma pitada de sofisticação. Um perfume que realça a intuição e a elegância feminina. A mulher de LYS possui uma sensualidade que cativa e é ao mesmo tempo romântica e elegante. O frasco translúcido transmite leveza e profundidade na sua tonalidade lilás, refletindo o aroma sedutor e sofisticado de sua fragrância. É a verdadeira inspiração para a feminilidade. Além disso, a embalagem em tons lilás e branco traz impressa a flor-de-lis, um dos símbolos da monarquia francesa.

Adoro os dois primeiros, o Rouge Royal (delicioso) e o Princesse (um pouco mais suave) os outros ainda não conheço. E você? Qual gosta mais? Recomenda?